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Can the Cobb Access Port re-flash the ECU back to stock parameters?

Jake Ryan

will an access port put stress on the stock turbo or any other parts for that matter? mess with any warrenty?

Moises Ramirez

I will be buying a cobb access port in the future for my 06 sti, and would like to know if I can install that myself. I am a new subaru owner so I dont know what are the steps to take. Also will I need anything else other than the access port for it to work?

J. Cooley

Yes, you should be able to install the Access Port yourself. I would recommend reading Cobb's manual, and see what you think after that. Here is a link to that on Cobb's site:

Also, the Access Port comes with everything you would need to install it, and has maps for both a Stage 1 and Stage 2 car.


Is there an Access Port for the 2008 Impreza 2.5i


Will the Access Port provide maps for turbo upgrades?

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